"It is the people comprising
the workforce who have the ability to create a culture in which quality is promoted and value
is delivered to stakeholders. (Larry Kennedy)
The Benefits of the SASI Exploratory Program
• Exploratory, Educational, and with Immediate Impact
Enrolling in the SASI Exploratory Program will enable you to manage your decisions and "test-drive" the Accreditation process by enrolling key influencers in your organization who can help you decide how to prepare for Accreditation - before you commit to an Accreditation Agreement and a full program of assessments. So, if you manage a complex system of Sites, or are integrating Sites into a larger organization, the SASI Exploratory Program can provide the unifying influence you need, with conformance to the SASI Standard as the common goal.
• Earn a CRQM Professional Certification While You Explore and Plan
The SASI Exploratory Program is administered with the assistance of our education and training partner the Quality Management Institute. Your Leaders will get to experience and assess the Quality Accelerator Program, its transformational QM-culture concepts, and earn the CRQM Certification. QMI will describe the organizational and personal values and methods that will help assure your success in attaining Accreditation. Your "Quality Accelerator Team" will also be given access to the SASI-ware Assessment Software that will guide them through the preparation for and completion of the Accreditation conformance assessment - all before formally applying for Accreditation.
• Enable Your Leadership Team to "Accelerate" Your Quality Aspirations
The SASI Exploratory Program will enable your "true belivers" in accelerating, attaining and sustaining an organization-wide quality culture. Your Quality Accelerator Team can manage the Accreditation timelines, sequence each Sites preparation and maximize the marketing value of your path to Accreditation.